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Cult Company Father Poet

The Seal

O Cult Company Father Poet Certificate is a quality seal issued by the Pai Poeta site and that, like it, stimulates Culture and primarily Poetry, family Integration, and responsible Parenthood in Brazil.

Cult Company Father Poet is a Partner that supports the fight for the ideas advocated by the site www.paipoeta.com.br and seeks to develop the following items:

  • Unrestrictly supports the ideas presented and the initiatives of the Father Poet site;
  • Gives support to Responsible and Pro-Active Parenthood;
  • Encourages Parents Poets of your company in internal contests like the contest of the Father Poet site within the company;
  • Makes Corporate Events with sporting and / or cultural events among parents and children;
  • Encourages poetic literary creation as a tool for integration of its employees, family members of employees and collaborators.